I really thought that I would not have an article ready for this month’s publication. Both Barb and I have been extremely busy, and I just could not think of anything I wanted to say. I always wait for something that jumps out at me and then I say to myself, “Oh that’s it!” The articles are due on the 10th of each month, and I had nothing until early morning of the 10th. I happened to be on Facebook and an old friend of mine, Glen, made a post.
Now I have worked with Glen back in Michigan for 28 years and we always had a special bond. See both of us started working at Knight Industries in the shop. Neither of us went to college. He grew up in a very bad part of Detroit but had the drive to work hard and be better. Fortunately, the two owners of Knight Industries were extremely good and promoted from within and gave to everyone who wanted a chance to grow. And boy did we. That business went from a handful of employees to being one of the largest material handling companies in North America. It’s now Knight Global.
But this article is really about friendship. You see Glen and I have always had a special friendship. As the business grew, we did not always have a chance to see each other. He went into sales, and I was a division manager. But when we did, we always had a great time. We could always find something to laugh about. Now years later, Glen has done very well. He has built and sold several houses in Vegas and still works in sales for Knight Global. I of course have moved to Arizona and now own Hava Java Mesa with my wife Barb.
Glen made a road trip out to see me a couple of months back. This meant a great deal to me. He is a true
friend. My mother once told me that if you have one true friend in this world you are a very lucky person. Well with that said I am truly blessed. Barb and I have several back in Michigan and have made several new friends here in Arizona.
Since we’ve been in Arizona, I have met great people that we go to concerts and movies with and have enjoyed seeing new friends taking their vows – actually after knowing them only for a couple months she said to me, “We would like you two to come to our wedding because I know we are going to be very good friends.” She was right. We have made many more friends when we get together on Friday music night or play games on the back patio – we just have a great time. Also lost a couple along the way to cancer.
So, it doesn’t matter if you have one good friend or many, cherish them every day.
Hava Java Mesa is located at the northeast corner of Power and McDowell roads in The Village at Las Sendas, 2849 N. Power Road, Suite 103, in Mesa.