With Fathers’ Day fast approaching, thoughts of that perfect gift for Dad becomes foremost.
Does he really need another tie? How about something really different? Why not Brotox treatments?
“While many women have been getting Botox for years, there’s been such a rise in men getting a little lift in their brow, it’s been deemed Brotox,” said Muschi Morga, spa director at Cosmos Salon and Medspa. “Men want to look rested, fit and youthful.”
There are good reasons why men are jumping in to the chair of youth. “Today’s world of business is fierce,” Muschi stated. “Every year, there is a younger crop of people coming into the workforce. So, you have to step up your game, or you just may get left behind. Looking younger can come down to a simple business decision. As we age, we want to remain competitive, which translates into maintaining our youthful looks to the best of our abilities,” she continued. “It is a perception in society that men also are forced to deal with as they age.”
Interestingly, Muschi also has noticed a trend in younger men coming in for Botox injections. “The younger males want to prevent things from getting worse and to prevent wrinkles from forming in the first place,” she explained. “Not necessarily a radical idea, since it’s a fact that it is much easier to prevent wrinkles from forming than to correct already existing ones,” she continued. “Let’s face it. Men don’t like to age either. They just don’t talk about it as much as women do.”
Men wanting to try Botox should not be afraid of losing their Man Card. “Men tend to have stronger muscles than women, and we can customize the dosing to avoid the frozen face look some women like to wear,” Muschi explained. “Each face has different musculature and must be treated uniquely, whether women or men.”
There may be a grain of truth to the idea men have a lower pain tolerance than women, Muschi believes. “But men, please don’t be frightened. We have squeezable, stress-relieving items and numbing cream for the most fearful of the manly,” she joked.
Also, there is no downtime. Guys can come in on a lunch hour and be done in 15 minutes. And it is always confidential. “You can keep it on the down low and nobody will ever know you had the procedure done,” Muschi said. “However, the results cannot be denied. It may come up during the precursor to your weekly business meeting—how rested you look—even with that new baby and all those sleepless nights. So much for keeping it quiet, right?”
For the month of June, to celebrate those great men in our lives, Botox will be $7.95 per unit for men, along with a free 15-minute Aquafacial, if you mention this article—quietly.
Cosmos Salon and MedSpa is located on the northeast corner of Power and McDowell roads. For more information, call (480) 887-0671.