Due to the high cost of health care and the busy lives that we lead, if physical therapy is prescribed for a soft tissue or post-surgical condition, many people seek resources other than skilled physical or occupational therapy.
Physicians will recommend skilled physical therapy because they trust that the therapist, with six to eight years of specialized training, will be able to evaluate and treat the specific condition with proficiency.
Physical therapists have specialized evaluation skills that include orthopedic, neurological and sensory motor. They understand the effects of health conditions, such as diabetes. Therapists can treat age ranges from infants to seniors.
Physical therapists utilize specialized manual therapy skills to facilitate or inhibit muscle and nerve functions. They apply treatments, such as dry needling, ultrasound, cupping and electrical modalities, to alleviate pain, inflammation and swelling.
While YouTube, Google and resources that are not highly trained physical therapists readily can be available, without a thorough evaluation of the presenting clinical condition, as well as influencing factors, treatment can be ineffective at best and dangerous at worst.
Physical therapists can provide clinically appropriate exercises, as well as education about the proper mechanics for completion. Recovering from an injury requires a different formula for exercise performance versus the way a personal trainer would provide exercises for strength or conditioning.
When your physician recommends an evaluation by a licensed physical therapist, please listen. The expectation is that you will get better, and if therapy does not fully resolve your symptoms, your physician can continue along the pathway with options for resolution of your condition.
YouTube and Google are great resources, but they do not replace the training and critical thinking a licensed, skilled physical therapist can provide.
The physical therapy team at Red Mountain Physical Therapy provides evaluation and treatment of pain, balance/dizziness and strength, as well as post-op care for orthopedic conditions. Our team designs custom treatment programs to return our patients to their life activities, and provides home programs and education to reduce the return of symptoms after therapy.
For further information, we can be reached at rm-medical.com, or call (480) 855-8866.