Natascha Ovando-Karadsheh
With the recession still fresh in our minds, we have been asking ourselves, what did we learn from 2009 to 2012? How can we help those around us?
We concluded that the greatest successes from the most recent recession came when good people worked together to help one another.
With that in mind, Mesa District 5 Councilmember David Luna and I have partnered to form the Falcon Business Alliance. Our vision for this hyperlocal, grassroots organization is to create a place where Northeast Mesa businesses of all sizes can come together to share ideas and resources, and support one another through the challenges that lie ahead.
In addition to bringing our local business owners and leaders together to share information and ideas, we will also be offering mentoring. We are working on creating a corps of retired business owners and executives who will volunteer their time to mentor existing business owners in our community.
Those who have weathered previous storms have valuable capital knowledge that can help us all navigate the months and years ahead. If you have business experience you are willing to share (from any industry), please sign up to mentor. We need your help.
We need to be creative and collaborative to ensure the success of our Northeast Mesa community — and we need to develop a partnership to get there.
There is no cost to this membership, so please sign up on our website: FalconBusinessAlliance.com, and also like us on Facebook: facebook.com/FalconBusinessAlliance.
We will be launching webinars to share information, and once social distancing has been lifted, we will be hosting regular meetings.
The economic landscape has been changed, but opportunities always exist. Together we can work to build an even better and brighter future.
Natascha Ovando-Karadsheh is the Owner and Associate Broker of local real estate brokerage KOR Properties, Chairperson of the City of Mesa Economic Development Advisory Board, and the founder of Mesa Food Truck Fridays. You can reach Natascha at (602) 909-4995, and learn more about KOR Properties at KORproperties.com.