I never wanted to be a children’s book author or an author of any kind for that matter. The idea for this book started with a cry for help. What do you say to a young boy who had his lunch box kicked and was called stupid?
My grandson Matteo is on the autism spectrum and faces many social challenges. I told Matteo, “You have a golden heart. Can you think of yourself as a knight with armor? The armor can help shield you from the hurt.”
He said, “I like that.”
The idea of a golden heart protecting this young boy kept percolating in my mind. He is more interested in space and ice cream than being a knight, so I had to work that out. I thought if I could write a story to help him feel loved, even if no one else read it, that would be enough.
One of my favorite lines in the book is when Matteo says, “Grandma sighed more than usual” when looking at the “bag of snack wrappers, reusable grocery bags, old coffee cups, piles of school papers, last year’s church directory, and the blankets we keep in the van in case it gets stuck in the snow.” People who know I was a professional organizer for many years will get the humor.
I love the illustration of Matteo holding my hand and looking up at me with those big understanding eyes hoping we were still going to get ice cream.
I’m overwhelmed by the book’s success and the heartfelt response from parents who are moved by Matteo’s story of forgiveness and kindness. My hope is the book will remind children and, let’s face it, adults to be more careful because words can sting and the hurt can last a lifetime.
When Matteo read the book, he smiled and at times held back tears. I sighed wondering if it was too much for him; but the next day he jumped around and told his mother, “I have so much in my life to be excited about now!” My heart was full.
Nancy Nemitz lives in Red Mountain Ranch, and you can contact her at nancy@createthespace.com. The book was published by Gillmary Press and is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle. ISBN 9798703301623 February release.