For the travel and tourism industry, the post-Sept. 11 world was a difficult one.
The aftermath of this tragic event led people to believe the travel and hospitality industries had permanently collapsed. However, while travel slowed considerably, the public’s desire to travel did not.
Today, that love affair lives on. Not only do people desire to travel more, they feel it is their right to do so. And they are—in droves.
This increase, coupled with a demand for more personalized, advocacy-style service, as well as the retirement of thousands of baby boomers, dictates a pressing need to develop the next generation of travel consultants.
The problem? After Sept. 11, many long-established travel programs were forced to close, while community colleges found their offerings whittled down to nearly nothing. Today, even the best host agencies find it difficult to provide consultants with the necessary training.
The solution? A select few industry agencies are picking up the slack, including Terra Travel. Terra Travel President and Owner Paul Seiferth recognized this need, and he is meeting it head-on. He and Academy Director Beth Johnson are providing comprehensive and industry-specific training for new and seasoned travel consultants through Terra Travel Academy.
Open to a limited, select group of students, Terra Travel Academy will start its next eight-week course (two nights per week), in Mesa, on March 17, and, in Phoenix, on May 7. Participants will study everything from tours, cruises and luxury travel, to international geography and self-promotion.
Are you retired, a high school graduate, or are you seeking a more rewarding (and fun) career? Whether you are new to the industry, or would like a refresher course, which includes the needs of today’s traveler, you don’t want to miss out.
It is an exciting time to be part of the travel industry. Won’t you join us?
For more information, contact Beth at (480) 544-5414, or Paul at (480) 820-0701.