Sunshine and spring rain bring beautiful flowers and a breath of new life. People often associate spring with new beginnings – out with the old and in with the new.
You may be inclined to clean out cobwebs, organize, and get rid of things you no longer need. Just like cleaning out your home can help you feel better and provide a fresh start, so can cleaning out your body. Spring is the perfect time of year to cleanse your body internally and rid it of unwanted toxins.
The human body is bombarded with toxins every day. Whether it is pollution exposure, consuming processed foods, or using personal care products with harmful chemicals, your body can get overloaded with toxic build-up. Just like regular oil changes help keep your vehicle running efficiently, detoxifying (cleansing) your body can help you run efficiently. Detoxifying can also help stimulate weight loss, too!

Consuming leafy greens and sprouted foods can help detoxify your body. Sprouted foods in particular provide additional benefits because they contain more nutrients.
Broccoli sprouts, for example, contain 20 to 50 times more sulforaphane (a cancer fighting compound) than mature broccoli. Sprouts are also considered living foods because they are still in a growth phase, whereas foods which have been matured and harvested are actually in a dying phase.
Nevertheless, leafy greens like arugula, Bok choy, endive, kale, lettuce, mustard greens, Napa cabbage, spinach, Swiss chard, and wild greens contain vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and chlorophyll, which help purify the blood and organs. Bulking up your diet with these foods can help cleanse and balance your body, providing better health and vitality. If you haven’t been eating like this on a regular basis, however, you are likely in need of a supplemental cleanse.
Glutathione, for example, is an antioxidant produced in the liver that tends to get depleted with age and toxic overload.
Supplementing with glutathione can help your liver detoxify and repair. There are many supplements that can support the detoxification process and it is advisable to work with a professional to determine what is best for you.
Prime IV Hydration & Wellness Northeast Mesa is located at 2025 N. Power Road in Suite 106. For more information, visit or call (480) 992-4202.