Sharzad Green
As a female pharmacist specializing in women’s care, I often hear about women’s concerns regarding sexual dysfunction.
According to statistics, 40 percent of women between the ages of 45 and 64 living in the United States have sexual concerns. Even though sexual problems are common in women, it is a topic that can be very difficult to discuss for you and for your health care provider.
To address the concerns of many individuals with sexual dysfunction, we always are looking for different concoctions to help men and women with their sexuality. Some helpful approaches may include addressing overall hormone balance, vaginal dryness, using arousal enhancing creams and compounded testosterone and DHEA when appropriate.
Another possible solution involves using a hormone called oxytocin. You probably are familiar with the name since oxytocin is used as a medication to facilitate childbirth. A recent study published in the journal Hormones and Behavior suggested that the intensity of orgasm and contentment after sexual intercourse were increased upon oxytocin administration. That is why oxytocin also is known as the love hormone.
For women, oxytocin levels increase one minute after orgasm but return close to normal within five minutes afterward. For men, oxytocin levels increase during sexual arousal and persist beyond ejaculation.
There are additional benefits to using oxytocin. This amazing hormone, which is produced in the hypothalamus (part of the brain), can be a great pain reliever. It plays a role in social bonding, sexual reproduction in both sexes, and during and after childbirth. Furthermore, oxytocin lowers serum cortisol, which often is called the stress hormone. That is why it can improve mood.
The love hormone, oxytocin, is a hormone that also can promote feelings of intimacy. In recent years, we have seen an increase in demand for compounding oxytocin for many different medical conditions.
At Community Clinical Pharmacy, we compound oxytocin lozenges, as well as nasal sprays. The lozenges can be made using the flavor of your choice. Some of the popular flavors are marshmallow, raspberry, banana and mint. Oxytocin lozenges are to be dissolved in the cheek or under the tongue five to
15 minutes prior to intimacy.
Of course, sexual arousal and function in women is very complicated, and not everyone would benefit from the same treatment. Therefore, it is important to talk to an expert and discover what options may be appropriate for you. For more information, and to set up a consultation appointment with me to discuss your options, please contact Community Clinical Pharmacy at (480) 969-0600.
Dr. Sharzad Green is a graduate of the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy and specializes in bio-identical hormone therapy and natural alternatives for men and women. You may contact her at (480) 264-7600 or via email at info@naturalvaginalsolutions.com.