We’ve all heard the old saying, “You are what you eat,” and it’s true that our bodies benefit from a nutritious, balanced diet. We also realize that poor eating habits result in a less desirable level of fitness. Our fitness level reflects a long-term pattern of food choices. If we change our habits, for better or worse, it will take a while before the results become outwardly visible.

What we put into our bodies every day will affect our physical well-being. The same principle also holds true with our spiritual well-being. If we’re feeling a little sluggish in our walk with God, maybe we should look at how we’re feeding our soul.
Our soul is the part of our heart, or our “inner man,” that rules our mind, will, and emotions. It’s the part of us that we might think of as our personality. Our heart is the decision-maker and is greatly influenced by the soul.
A person who feeds their body a good, balanced diet will end up strong. On the other hand, a diet lacking in nutrients keeps the body from being able to perform at its best. A person who doesn’t nourish their soul well will not grow and flourish spiritually. Both a physical diet and a spiritual diet can be improved by adding more and better nutrients and eliminating empty calories and junk food.
Whether we’re aware of it or not, we are continually feeding our soul. Everything we watch and listen to, every conversation we engage in, and every thought we entertain are food for the soul, whether good or bad.

Our heart is the gatekeeper that decides what we will accept or reject. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”
The best spiritual food is found in the Word of God. Many people spend a few minutes a day reading the Bible, which is like eating a couple bites of cereal, and then go about their day giving no further thought to what they just read, spending the rest of the day feeding their soul full of spiritual junk food. Then they wonder why they’re feeling discouraged, cranky, and generally not very satisfied with life.
We are what we eat, so let’s be careful what we allow ourselves to take in.
If you would like to experience a church service where the worship and teaching are based on the life-giving Word of God, come and visit us at Charis Christian Church. We’re at 4811 E. Julep St., Suite 101, in Mesa.