When we hear on television or read in the newspaper the governor has called out the National Guard, we wonder the reason for this action.
Perhaps a levee has broken, or a riot has broken out too intense for the police to control. Yes, these are reasons to rely on the National Guard, but…
On Thursday, Nov. 10, the Social Club of Red Mountain Ranch invited three members of the Arizona National Guard to its annual Veterans Day Celebration to speak to the larger work of the guard. The three guardsmen were Colonel Scott Kahldon, with 30 years active and guard service; Lieutenant Colonel Kristofer Bast, 21 years of National Guard duty; and Sergeant Major Graydon Griffin, who has served 22 years with the guard.
Combined, these men served in overseas deployments to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, South Korea, Central America, Europe, Iraq, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. Obviously, these locations are far afield from Arizona or any of our other United States.
The purpose of the National Guard is to support—to make things happen and meet standards. The National Guard is comprised of members of our own communities who represent backgrounds of experience, expertise and training, which they then transfer to these support situations.
When working in these foreign countries, our speakers often aided in the reconstruction of lands after years of warfare by rebuilding the infrastructure, as well as roads and bridges. They also established communication services, setting up a 911 line for emergency purposes and helped a country go from a draft-based army to full volunteer military. The guard also built towns from which armies could base.
Another aspect of the National Guard is Defense Support for Civil Authority. This support would entail working in flood areas, after hurricanes or tornadoes, in civil disturbances or when other resources have been exhausted during times of crisis. The Arizona Guard also supports our state agencies in policing our border.
The essence of the National Guard is support. As citizens of Arizona and the nation, we are grateful to them and their families for that support.
This meeting of the social club also honored its own veterans who served in all branches of the military.
If you would like more information about the Red Mountain Ranch Social Club, come to a meeting on the second Thursday of each month at the Red Mountain Ranch Country Club, at 9:30 a.m. For more information, visit our website at rmrsc.com.