The Red Mountain Ranch Social Club held its annual Spring Cocktail Party on Friday, May 18, at the Red Mountain Ranch Country Club.
A record crowd of 48 attended. Club President Betty Day greeted everyone, and made several announcements. Guests enjoyed visiting with each other and sharing news with friends. Everybody enjoyed drinks and good food, which included delicious steak/veggies on a stick, cheeses, crackers of all kinds, as well as a large variety of fruits and veggies.
A two-man guitar band called The Pod provided outstanding music. The band delighted the guests with popular tunes from the 50s and 60s. Many guests sang along as the band played and sang well known tunes. This music is very special to us, as we remember what we were doing, and who our friends were, when the songs were first recorded.
The band members were Gerhart Gast and John Harrison. They live in Austin, Texas, and were in Mesa for a visit. Gerhart is the son of Social Club member and past President Char Underwood. This was a special time for us to meet her son. He teaches English at Austin Community College, and travels with the band during vacations.
Wanda Wimp, of the Social Committee, was in charge of several ticket drawings, and the winners were happy to receive their prizes. We want to thank Ewin and Pat Trapp and Wanda for being the party hosts. At 7:30 p.m., Betty thanked everyone for coming.
Our social club meets at 9:30 a.m., on the second Thursday of the month, at the Red Mountain Ranch Country Club. We enjoy many interesting speakers and programs, as well as tours away from Red Mountain Ranch. We invite you to come to our meetings as a guest, and enjoy the fun. You do not need to be a member to attend.
For more information about the Red Mountain Ranch Social Club, contact Publicity Chairman Jay Williamson. Send him an e-mail at