Marilee Tangen
You probably know that singing with children in their early years helps them grow developmentally and aids in speech, but studies also show singing on a consistent basis can make them better students.
According to research reported in the journal Nature, learning to sing can promote structural changes in the brain. After studying songbirds, they found that 24 hours after the birds learned a new song, those cells in their brains related to learning became bigger. Human brains experience the same kind of brain changes as the birds. Singing actually has an impact on the right temporal lobe of our brains.
The earlier kids get involved with singing, the better. Singing also relieves anxiety, lowers stress levels, evokes joy and lessens the feeling of depression. Research also shows kids involved in music programs score higher on tests.
So, why in the world are we allowing so many public schools to remove the music programs?
Wouldn’t it be beneficial to have choir available for every grade level?
For more information, please go to MTsMusicHouse.com, or call (818) 292-2937.