Mayor John Giles
At Self Development Academy (SDA), an award-winning kindergarten through grade eight public charter school, the 2016-2017 school year concluded with a series of memorable programs and events, including a visit from the mayor and vice mayor of Mesa.
Recently, SDA was recognized and ranked as the No. 1 elementary public charter school in the state and No. 2 public elementary school in the nation (Niche, 2017). The ranking and recognition is attributed to the nearly two decades of providing exceptional academic programs under the leadership of Superintendent Dr. Anjum Majeed. The common thread among the SDA community is a commitment to a quality educational experience for each student.
SDA believes in providing students with a strong academic foundation, while encouraging the whole development of the child. The final week of school included the annual Talent Show, annual class plays and awards, National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony and eighth grade and kindergarten promotions.
Special Talent Recognition
Students were recognized for their academic achievements and special talents alike. The annual Talent Show and annual class plays and awards allow students to showcase their talents outside of the classroom. Former student Max Gau started the Talent Show. Now a junior at Mountain View High School, he has been recognized for his speaking and debate skills, competing in competitions, including at the national level.
Not surprisingly, Max continued to serve as the master of ceremonies of the Talent Show, which included Irish and hip hop, marital arts and singing acts. Earlier in the month, students enrolled in the violin, percussion, dance and choir programs showcased their talents in an evening performance, as well.
The annual class plays and awards have become a much-anticipated tradition at SDA. Each class, from grades one through eight, performs a play, and every student has a role. The classes spend time creating props and backdrops. The class plays are part of a series of curriculum requirements dedicated to building students’ public speaking skills.
Class Awards Presented
Following each class play, students await the class awards. Every student has the opportunity to earn an award through the SDA reading programs (Parents as Partners and Classics Reading Program). Other awards recognized included Exemplifying Citizenship, Excellence in Math Facts, Honor Roll and Attendance. More than 300 awards were presented during the program. The vice mayor of Mesa, Dr. David Luna, visited the SDA campus, watching one of the class plays.
SDA is recognized for the high achievements of the students. SDA offers an accelerated academic program, with students learning a minimum of one grade level ahead of the Arizona Department of Education kindergarten through grade 12 standards. Students are excited about gaining knowledge and skills and pride themselves on being hard workers. During the week, both students completing kindergarten and the eighth grade were promoted, students beginning and ending their educational journeys at SDA.
Of the graduating class, 10 students began their education at SDA in preschool or kindergarten.
Mayor John Giles was the keynote speaker, and provided a message regarding embracing change. Both the kindergarten and eighth grade promotion ceremonies are intimate programs, recognizing each student, a special way to begin and end this part of each student’s educational path.
Students being promoted from SDA are well prepared for high school. The SDA middle school program includes the high-level coursework of Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Biology, Chemistry and Physics, as well as Literature and Writing at the high school level.
The SDA Experience
Upon entering high school, many SDA students place out of entry-level high school coursework and begin taking Honors and Advanced Placement coursework as freshmen. The curriculum emphasizes organizational skills, study habits and higher level thinking skills, as well. The SDA experience prepares learners for high school, college and beyond.
For more information regarding Self Development Academy, or to schedule a tour, please call (480) 641-2640. You also can email to info@self-dev.com.