The Social Club regular meeting will take place on Thursday, Nov. 8, at the Red Mountain Ranch Country Club.
This is our meeting to honor our social club veterans and all veterans. It is a time to remember those who died serving our country.
The meeting will start with a business session at 9:30 a.m. The speaker will start at 10 a.m., and the luncheon will begin about 11:15 a.m.
Our speaker for the morning will be Colonel Lanny Standridge, U.S. Army (Retired). His presentation will be a snapshot of a 32-year military career.
It began with basic training, his commissioning as an infantry officer, including rating as an aviator. His command and staff experiences will next be remembered, and conclude full circle with the training of another generation of young officers.
Colonel Standridge’s presentation also will include specific lessons learned, a character developed and, at times, tested, and the adoption of professional standards, which served as way-markers.
To complete the story, he will present a short synopsis of the experiences related to life-after-the Army. The colonel will recall many of the standards and lessons learned from military superiors and subordinates, all of which appear timeless and universally applicable.
This will be a special time to hear from an outstanding military leader, and learn first hand of his experiences. I am sure he will answer your questions at the conclusion of his presentation.
We invite you as our guest to this meeting. You do not have to be a member to attend. We meet the second Thursday of the month except December.
For more information, contact Social Club Publicity Chair Jay Williamson via e-mail at