Upon closing the door of my hotel room in Southern California, I noticed a sign on the back of the door titled Earthquake Instruction.
Never did I think I would need earthquake instructions.
What do you do when the earth begins shaking and chaos is falling around you? Their instructions included things like standing in the doorway where the walls are reinforced for protection and strength, a note about drinking water, where to move to for safety once the shaking stops, and so on. It was an interesting read, and good information to have well ahead of time. You don’t want to have to figure stuff out while in the midst of the earthquake.
Sometimes, your life might feel like the earth is quaking, when a marriage is falling apart, you experience the sudden loss of a loved one, a job evaporates unexpectedly, a doctor’s diagnosis you can’t believe, or, well, you’ve known those earth quaking moments, I’m sure.
Where do you find the earthquake instructions for life? That’s what we’re all about here at Hosanna Lutheran Church and Little Palms Preschool. While we live in partnership with each other, and we celebrate the many joys of life, we also try to prepare people for those moments when the earth will shake. We find the words of hope, redemption and restoration in the pages of God’s promise we call His Word, the Bible. He gives us His wisdom and guidance, peace in turmoil and light for our path in life, all through His Word.
We begin by building a foundation to stand on, even in preschool. That’s the mission of Little Palms Preschool at Hosanna, to give children a strong foundation in their education, in their wisdom and learning. It’s a foundation on which to build their lives as they grow up in every way, physically, intellectually and spiritually.
Children need a solid foundation under them in all these areas because there will be days when their world is shaken. We also try to let them know that when the world seems shaken, you should stand in a place of great strength. Stand in the presence of Christ. Let Him feed your spirit and provide for your needs. He quenches our thirst for hope with His water of life. He guides us to places of safety when the shaking stops. He holds us close when the world is coming undone.
Come join us on the foundation stone of Christ. Enroll your children today at Little Palms Preschool, located at 9601 E. Brown Road. For more information, call (480) 984-1414.