When members of the Mesa Citizen of the Year Association met this past November, to choose Mesa’s 2016 Citizens of the Year, Debby Elliot was chosen as Woman of the Year, and Mike Whalen was chosen as Man of the Year.

Debby Elliott
Debby Elliot is a longtime resident of Mesa who has been active in numerous community nonprofit organizations for many years. She has a distinguished record of volunteer service encompassing arts and humanities, as well as human services. These include the Desert Club of Mesa, Mesa Parks and Recreation Board, Mesa Arts Center Foundation, Mesa Historical Museum/Society, Southwest Shakespeare Company, Mesa Education Foundation and Marc Community Resources.
Among her nominators, one stated, “While some imitate, Debby originates; while some accept status quo, Debby challenges it; and while some say, ‘Something must be done,’ Debby always says, ‘I must do something.’”

Mike Whalen
Mike Whalen is a prominent and well-known civic leader, community volunteer and businessman. He was elected to the Mesa Council in 2000, and served two four-year terms. Prior to being elected to the City Council, Mike worked for the Mesa Police Department, where he rose to the rank of assistant police chief. During his time with the Mesa Police Department, Mike was active in regional, statewide and national police organizations.
Along with his professional and political service, Mike has served on a wide array of community nonprofit boards. He is the past president of Community Bridges, and has spent nearly 20 years raising awareness about issues of addiction and helping individuals who are trying to improve their lives. His nominators said, “It is hard to look at Mike and not think, ‘Maybe I could do more.’; He isn’t a complainer, he’s an in the trenches, get it done worker, a bridge builder and a problem solver; His volunteerism has benefitted thousands.”
The Mesa Citizen of the Year Association is one of the oldest groups of its kind in the State of Arizona. Founded in 1935, the organization annually selects two individuals in the community who have dedicated a significant amount of time to volunteer activities.
This year’s award recipients will be honored at the association’s annual banquet on Feb. 21, at the Hilton Phoenix/Mesa. This community celebration of volunteerism will begin with a reception at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner.
To purchase banquet tickets, please visit mesacitizenoftheyear.org, or call Susan Carland at (602) 390-6164.