While we can sit down and write our objectives for the New Year, many may not actually be accomplished.
Lose ten pounds, exercise five times a week, eat healthfully, get finances in order, reduce stress, or just be happier. Do any of these sound familiar?
Taking time for ourselves can be difficult when responsibilities consume so much of our energy. Families and work crowd out the time we promised ourselves. Having a peaceful hour or two not only helps us recharge, but gives us an opportunity to step back from the sheer volume and complexity of what we do every day. It gives us a chance to gain new perspective and possibly reorganize what can be a reactive kind of existence. It is difficult to concentrate when we are stressed.
Victory Energy Wellness can help. Come in and try some of the wonderful stress reducing techniques available to you. Have a session in the massage chair, enjoy the relaxation of a biofeedback session or release trapped emotions that have been holding you back.
On Jan. 5, there will be a group energy session to clear out any blockages to accomplishing our goals, and then a four-hour class where you can create your own vision board and techniques to make that vision become a reality. Seating is limited. So, make your reservation now. The cost for both is $60.
On Jan. 12, come to the Fit and Fabulous Day! There will be experts in fitness, mindful eating and different techniques to get you where you want to be. In the morning, Claudia Collins, of Your RN Health Coach, will hold a sample exercise class. Claudia also holds Mindful Eating and Am I Hungry? courses at the center, and will offer introductions on that day. Jolene Victor also is offering free mini energy sessions that day.
Make this a true new year in your life, one you will look back on and celebrate the changes you have made. Victory Energy Wellness can help you make that happen. Come see what is offered by calling or make an appointment to come in or just stop by. Conveniently located at the corner of Thomas and Power roads, in the Zahara Business Park, at 3654 N. Power Road, Suite 125. Call (480) 422-7022.