Lent, an old English word meaning Springtime, is a special season of the church year that brings a particular focus on sin, its consequences, the sacrifice to atone for our sins, and the one and only way of salvation, Jesus Christ. Lent brings a focus on the Passion of the Christ, what Jesus did for us all.

February began the season of Lent. March takes us through the heart of it. Lent is a journey leading from Ash Wednesday to Easter Morning. It’s not really meant to be a journey of discovery out there in the world. Rather, it’s a journey of discovery within ourselves. It’s a time to focus on our own relationship with the Maker of Heaven and Earth, the Lord and Giver of Life.
Lent is a time for personal reflection, searching our own souls and re-examining our own priorities. Many people begin to live their lives as if it’s all about them, whatever they want and desire, even at the expense of those around them. That’s simply a sinful way to live. Sin focuses on our desires to satisfy ourselves.
Lent is a time to explore your heart and soul, and ask yourself how you might be of greater purpose and love for those around you, and for God Himself. You see, in Lent we take time to really see what God did for us.
He loved us so deeply that He sent His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to live the perfect sinless life, and then to die in sacrifice paying the price for your sins and mine, and then He rose up from the grave and overcame even death itself. Jesus opens the door of heaven and gives us a place in His eternal home. He washes our souls clean. He gives us eternal hope.
If God has done all of this for us, then how should we respond? We should respond in prayer and thanksgiving, in gratitude toward Him. We thank Him by living out lives of faith, generosity, love, mercy, and grace. We live for His glory.
Lent gives us a time to reflect on what that really means. Lent reminds us that “anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. The old has gone and the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Come join us at Hosanna Lutheran Church for mid-week services, for Holy Week services, for Easter morning services, and join us in this new life.
Hosanna is found at 9601 E. Brown Road, Mesa. Also, visit our website at hosanna-lcms.com.