Now more than ever before, we are understanding the truth of the idea of vibrations. Our frequency and vibration create our health and wellbeing or lack of health and well-being.
Everything is interconnected. The thoughts we think and the foods we eat. If you have heard the term, eat high vibratory foods, what it means is to eat organic, nourishing foods that help raise your vibration and can help improve your overall health and well-being.
Wild or organic herbs are definitely high-vibe foods. Not only are these herbs loaded with vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, free radical scavengers, and antioxidants but they are living beings with high-energy vibes that they freely share with us all of the time. Taking these simple yet profound herbs into our bodies daily is one of the simplest ways to help raise your vibration physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Herbalists have always taught their students that when they go out into nature to collect their medicines, they should go out with good thoughts and good intentions, and thoughts of gratitude knowing that the plants want to help heal and keep us healthy (ask and it is given). Also, approach the plants with the same respect that you would any other living being, honoring and appreciating their gifts.
Drinking high-quality herbal teas is one of the simplest and time-honored ways to take these healing, high-vibrational plants into our bodies. The traditional dosage for maintaining health using herbs is to drink a quart of tea a day. Those quart-size sports pitchers many of us carry are the perfect way to get that daily dosage.
Make a gallon-size pot of tea once a week, store it in a pitcher in your refrigerator, then each day fill up your sport pitcher, and viola! It is that simple.
Fear is a very low vibration that depletes our energy and can create physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual illness.
Drinking high-vibe herbal teas is a great way to get yourself empowered to move out of fear and back into the vibration of love and gratitude. There is a planet full of amazing healing plants to choose from and this time of year is a great time to start.
If you aren’t sure where to start, start with just one herb — chamomile flowers. Great for your nervous system and digestion, and can help prepare you for a good night’s sleep — for moms, dads, and all the kids.
SW Herb Shop & Gathering Place is located at 148 N. Center St. in Mesa. Store hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, closed Sunday and Monday. Visit or call (480) 694-9931. Madalyn Johnson can also be reached at (602) 920-8973.