Jeff Rodemeyer, left, Jeff Kolzow, center, and Rick Aussprung
Many people want to know the secret to financial success.
Whether they should be saving more, protecting more, investing more, spending less, everyone wants a magic bullet to set them on the road to financial success. The hard part is—I can’t give that to them.
At Thrivent Financial, we believe the key is to have discussions with your family and loved ones about what priorities are most important to you. Our members come to us around a shared goal of being wise with money and living generously, and we aim to help them live this every day in their lives. It may be saving for a child’s college, supporting a favorite charity, building retirement strategies or a combination of all of those and more. Only one person should drive each financial strategy. That person is you.
With our members in the driver’s seat, we offer guidance based on sound and timeless principles.
Spend less than you earn
This is critical. No one can live beyond his means forever. All bills—credit card, mortgage, home equity loans and others—eventually come due. Being wise with money means having the ability to be prudent with the resources you already earn.
Be wise with debt
Debt isn’t something to be avoided at all costs. Some debt can be very healthy and a way to broaden and strengthen your future—both inside and outside your financial picture. Mortgages, student loans and car loans can all be entered into and can be a part of a healthy financial strategy. They just need to be managed carefully and effectively.
Protect against setbacks
Even the best of financial strategies can be derailed by a sudden accident or death if not properly protected. Life insurance, disability insurance, long-term care insurance all can work as protection against the worst, should it happen, and help ensure you and your family are
taken care of and you are not leaving others with bills
or burdens.
Have a short term and long term plan
College, retirement, emergency savings, a new car—all of these are great goals for families and individuals to set for themselves. The key to reaching these goals is to do so in a way that maximizes current resources and helps minimize risk for an overall strategy. So, when it comes to transitioning to drawing down money in retirement, the most important structure is to plan for the short term and ensure it’s working in conjunction with your long-term strategy for you and your family.
Give back
Nothing lasts forever. At Thrivent Financial, we work with our members to ensure generosity is instilled throughout a lifelong financial strategy, not just when someone accumulates enough to give. We want to support our members’ efforts to impact their families and communities through programs and opportunities to live generously.
Many people are looking for a silver bullet when it comes to finances. The most important part is to be true to yourself, your family and your goals. These five pillars can serve as guides for you. However, it is ultimately up to you and what you want for your future.
Thrivent Financial is represented in the Red Mountain area by Red Mountain Group, which includes Jeff Kolzow, Jeff Rodemeyer and Rick Aussprung at 2941 N. Power Road, Suite 105. For more information, call 480-396-5333.