Lynne Jones
Last week I met with a lovely lady who will be turning 65 next fall.
She is a planner and wanted to make sure she moved forward into Medicare making the best decisions and understanding the options available to her. It was great guiding her through how it works and what her choices are.
I even left her with a list of assignments and when to do them. As we said goodbye, she said she finally felt confident about how to move forward.
Her situation was unique because of her health history and current needs. Everyone’s situation is unique, and it is important to take the time to understand how Medicare works and make a decision that is right for you.
It is always so interesting to help people make these very important decisions. As an independent Medicare agent, I can help you find the plan that fits your individual needs and lifestyle. Also, I can help with questions about when to sign up for a plan and any late enrollment penalties to be aware of.
If you are new to Medicare, or turning 65 in the next year and have questions about what plan to choose, or any other Medicare questions, please call me at (480) 212-2246.
Please call Lynne Jones, licensed sales representative, at (480) 212-2246, or email jonesdvp@yahoo.com. I would be happy to answer any questions you have about Medicare plans.