David Luna
As summer approaches, keeping safe and secure is one of my top priorities.
Given that, it is important we consider some safety tips to ensure we remain safe and enjoy our summer vacations.
Safety Tips Near or Around Water
Mesa Fire and Medical Department recommendations:
- Maintain constant eye-to-eye supervision with children around any body of water, including pools, baths, buckets, fountains and lakes.
- Assign an adult to supervise children around any body of water, especially at parties.
- Use a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life vest for all non-proficient swimmers around water. Never substitute toys, such as floaties or inflatable rings, as life safety items.
- A 5-foot fence should be installed around pools to separate it from the house and play yard, meeting (or that meet) all City of Mesa fence codes.
- Make sure there is a self-closing, self-latching gate around the pool fence. Lock the gate if the pool is not being used.
- All doors and windows leading to a pool area should be closed and locked.
- Learn CPR and how to swim. The Mesa Fire and Medical Department offers CPR classes. Swimming classes are available to all city residents. For a comprehensive list, visit Mesaparks.com.
Crime Prevention Tips
The Mesa Police Department recommends the following tips:
Vehicle Safety
- Take your keys out of vehicles, and remove valuables (including garage door openers, guns, wallets, purses, electronics). Lock the doors, and roll up the windows.
- Park inside a garage or under well-lighted areas at night.
- Never leave the vehicle running unattended.
Residential Safety
- Make sure exterior doors and windows are locked at night and when you leave.
- Lock the door between the garage and residence.
- Turn on exterior lighting at night or consider installing motion sensor lighting.
- Trim bushes to 2 to 3 feet, especially by a window, and manicure trees so foliage growth is thinned out 6 feet or lower.
Personal Safety
- Know your surroundings, and be observant of anything out of place.
- Don’t be distracted when pulling into a parking lot. Rather, be aware of where you parked, so you can easily locate your vehicle.
- If possible, walk during day light hours and take a friend. Program the non-emergency police number, (480) 644-2211 into your cell, so you can report suspicious activity.
- Text-to-911 provides equal access to emergency services for the deaf and hard of hearing community. It also provides an alternate method of reporting emergencies when traditional avenues are unavailable.
For more information, do not hesitate to call me at (480) 644-3771, or send an email to District5@mesaaz.gov.