Dr. Kody Smith
While the Centers for Disease Control estimates 29.1 million people in the United States have diabetes, or about one in 11 people, more than 27 percent of those with the disease are unaware they have it.
If current disease trends continue, it is anticipated that by the year 2050, one in three of all U.S. adults will have diabetes.
Many factors can play into a person developing diabetes. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include obesity, having diabetes while pregnant (gestational diabetes), minimal exercise/sedentary lifestyle, hypertension, heart disease and a family history of diabetes. Individuals with ethnic backgrounds, such as African-American, Hispanic, Native American/Alaskan and Pacific Islander also tend to be at an increased risk for the disease.
Some complications from the disease may include, but are not limited to, nerve pain (predominantly originating in the feet), disturbances in vision, erectile dysfunction, kidney failure and heart disease. Symptoms of these complications may include excessive urination, burning/stinging sensation of the feet, cloudy vision and chest pain and/or pressure. It is important to seek medical attention if these symptoms are being experienced.
Certain steps can be taken to try to prevent diabetes, such as regular aerobic activity, dietary changes and weight loss. A goal to work toward is 150 minutes of aerobic activity each week. Reducing the quantity and frequency of breads, rice, pastas and noodles will keep excessive amounts of these foods from being converted to simple sugar in your body. Avoiding unhealthy sweet foods and drinks will further keep blood sugar levels down. These changes also can help contribute to weight loss.
If you feel you may be at risk for diabetes, or you are experiencing any of these complications, please schedule an appointment at Red Mountain Medical Plaza to be evaluated. Our experienced providers can perform the testing needed to confirm the disease and explain the various treatment options available as we work together to help manage this condition.
For more information, or to make an appointment, call (480) 999-0049. Red Mountain Medical Plaza is located at 8035 E. Brown Road, Building 4.