We are off to a new school year, with the children adjusting to their new surroundings, making friends with new children and seeing old friends from summer and last year.
The first day of school marks a significant change in the daily routine for both you and your child. Some parents find the separation difficult. Others take the change in stride. For their children, it marks the first step in an adventure into the joy of learning and preparation for adulthood.
Learning the Rules
We started out very slowly, just getting to know each other and getting accustomed to each other, and adjusting to the schedule. They are learning the rules of the classroom.
BE KIND: be kind to one other, learn to take turns and share.
BE POLITE: always use please, and thank you.
BE HONEST: always tell the truth and don’t say anything that did not happen.
BE FRIENDLY: be friends with everybody in the class.
BE A GOOD LISTENER: To Mrs. Rose (most important rule). We will work on this one all year long.
We also will be working on other good manners, such as:
Wait my turn.
Cooperate with others.
Show appreciation.
Give compliments.
We will learn lots of things if we use our listening rules:
Sit up straight and tall.
Keep hands and feet still.
Watch with your eyes.
Keep lips closed.
Listen with your ears.
The children are doing very well considering some have never been away from Mon and Dad. I also have siblings of past students. I have watched these children grow from birth to the present. They are now in the 3-year-old class. They are so happy to be attending the same school as their big brothers and sisters. We truly are a big happy school family. That’s why Desert Rose is so special.
Watching children grow is fascinating! Being a part of the child’s experiences, which help him grow, is both exciting and rewarding. One of the renewing and exciting facets of working with young children is the sense of delight and discovery with which children meet day-to-day living.
Getting Started
On the first day of school, when children arrive in the classroom, I quickly can tell something about their personalities. Some children will look you in the eye and give you a sweet smile or a hug. Others are too shy or fearful to even look at you. They stare at the floor or cling to a parent. Some children immediately investigate the toys in the room, while others sit timidly at a table, quietly waiting for something to happen. A few start conversations with their friends.
How children behave is a clue to how they feel about themselves. Your child’s self-image has much to do with how well she will succeed in school. All children differ in their physical and mental readiness. We will work hard to make sure each child will learn when ready.
Here are eight rules I will follow to bring out the best in each child:
Take time for love.
Kind words work wonders.
Don’t try too hard or too early.
Rewards win results.
We learn by doing.
Repetition reaps results.
Learning is a joy.
Sometimes questions are better than answers.
Changing the curriculum
Every year, I change the curriculum because I do have so many returning students and siblings of past students. I do not like the parents to compare work they have done. I also personalize our learning for students who need special help or are ready for some challenges. Every year is a new and wonderful experience for the children, the staff and myself.
We now are working on the theme of All About Me. The children have learned to draw images of themselves. They talk about their families and what they like to eat in the morning. We have talked about the fact everyone is different but yet very special. They will bring back pictures of their families and pets and share with the class. We then will make a class book and take turns bringing it home to share with their families.
Classes are for children ages 3 through 5. All children must be potty trained. Classes run Monday through Friday, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Desert Rose Preschool at Las Sendas is a licensed, private preschool for Las Sendas residents only, located at the Las Sendas Trailhead Members Club. Rose Buttitta, director/teacher, and two assistants operate the preschool, which runs during the Mesa school district schedule.
For more information, please call (480) 654-4223, or send an e-mail to jbuttitta@cox.net.