The average American loses at least one permanent tooth between the ages of 20 and 34, but even if you enjoy all your permanent teeth, consider the options if a missing tooth impacts your overall health and quality of life.
Chances are good you have already heard about how a dental implant can restore a missing tooth with a more natural look, feel and function than other replacement options.
What you may not know is the fact dental implants—together with innovative surgical and restorative dental techniques—also can restore an entire arch of missing or diseased teeth in as little as one day! For the 10 percent of Americans who lose all teeth by the age of 64, as well as the millions more who suffer with painful damaged or diseased teeth, this brings renewed hope they can once again enjoy the health and quality of life they deserve.
Individuals who have this procedure can look forward to enjoying the benefits dental implants offer over bridges, partials and traditional dentures. Unlike a bridge, the new crowns (the visible portion of the teeth) are supported by the implants. So, there is no need to compromise good teeth or worry about future failure and replacement due to unhealthy teeth.
There is no plastic covering the palate, as with a traditional denture. Therefore, tasting and enjoying food the way it should be is possible once more. Painful denture sores, messy adhesives and difficulty speaking are eliminated.
Additionally, the bone loss, often a result of bridge and denture work, is avoided with dental implants. The soft tissues of the face are supported once again, restoring a more youthful appearance and diminishing the look of premature facial aging, which dentures can cause. Perhaps most significantly, in addition to all of these benefits, there is the unique plus of getting replacement teeth in a single day.
It is important to know not all dental implants are created equally—especially when comparing a traditional implant to what is commonly known as a mini implant. These smaller, one piece implants are being touted by some as equally effective as traditional implants with no invasive surgery or bone grafting needed.
Few studies have been done to measure the longevity of mini implants, and the Food and Drug Administration has approved very few for long-term use (over two years). Nevertheless, some dentists will use mini implants as a substitute for conventional implants, rather than the transitional use for which they have proven to be effective. Be sure to understand exactly what is being offered to you and why it is being offered when considering the one-day implant solution.
If you have questions about the one-day dental implant solution or dental implants in general, talk to your dentist. She or he can help provide answers and guidance in consideration of your personal needs and desires for oral health.
For more information, call (480) 283-5854, or visit