My favorite time of the year has arrived. I love this time of year for many reasons. We have perfect temperatures again. Political rivalries are at least on a simmer. Commercials are about fun stuff again. And the focus of the world turns toward holidays and celebrations.

We enjoyed Thanksgiving, a time to intentionally express appreciation to God, the giver of every blessing. And now we look toward Christmas. The tree is up, lights get hung, music turns nostalgic, and the movies are fantastic.
But this year I hear people literally saying what some of those Christmas specials have warned us of — we will have to cancel Christmas. Isn’t that what Santa said when the storm was coming and there was no one to guide his sleigh that night? Other Christmas specials also warn us that if things get bad enough then, “We will have to cancel Christmas.”
I hear people actually saying such a thing this year out of fear and/or caution. We might not be able to have large family gatherings and company Christmas parties. Maybe even — dare I say it — maybe even the shopping has to be canceled.
Seriously? Well, I’m pretty sure some shopping, some gatherings, and a gift exchange will still happen at our home. I hope it does in yours too.
In any case, I can tell you this: no one will ever really be able to cancel Christmas. Oh, you might refrain from gatherings, avoid church services (but you can sure join us at Hosanna), or visit family and friends via Zoom. Your activities might change. But Christmas has already come.
You see, for centuries God promised a Savior who would come to win forgiveness for our sins, to renew our lives, and to open for us an eternal heavenly home. And then, the Bible says, “When the time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law.” (Galatians 3:4-5)
Jesus was born as the heaven-sent Savior nearly 2,000 years ago. He lived out His mission for our salvation and gave to us the greatest Christmas gift ever given — New Life. God came to walk among us, to redeem us, and to welcome us into His heavenly home.
Christmas has already come. So, whether you gather in large groups or just relax alone, Christmas can never really be canceled. Because of Christ, your salvation has already been won.
Merry Christmas!
To learn more about Hosanna Lutheran Church, visit We are located at 9601 E. Brown Road, Mesa.