Known as adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder is a term used for any issues with the shoulder involving pain and restriction of movement.
“There are several causes of frozen shoulder,” said Dr. Lynn Pangburn, of Red Mountain Chiro-Med. The most common are:
Overdoing various activities, like freestyle swimming and throwing a baseball.
Forceful overhead lifting, such as the kettle bell swing exercise. With this exercise, you use outstretched arms to raise the kettle bell from between the legs.
Sudden stress placed on the shoulder muscles caused by breaking a fall or having a car accident.
“A combination of techniques can improve frozen shoulder range of motion up to 75 percent in one visit,” Dr. Pangburn said. She recommends:
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching is a technique used in clinical settings to rapidly enhance range of motion. Also beneficial is a trained massage therapist.
Cold Laser Therapy technology dramatically helps the body to increase production of the chemicals, which naturally heal the body. As scar tissue is broken down to increase range of motion, Cold Laser prevents it from coming back.
Postural coaching teaches the patient to obtain proper ergonomic posture to prevent increasing the problem and thus the healing time.
Dr. Pangburn feels that if you’ve been suffering with frozen shoulder, no amount of painkillers, cortisone shots or surgeries is going to solve the problem. Those treatments have their place, but why not try the less invasive path first?
For more information, contact Red Mountain Chiro-Med at (480) 924-7632. Now open five days a week, the office is conveniently located on the northwest corner of Recker and McKellips roads.