Eugena Bring
Determining who you allow into your home to provide cleaning services can be difficult, and it’s not a decision that should be taken lightly.
Fortunately, Carnation Home Cleaning founder Eugena Bring, who boasts nearly three decades in business, has tips for ensuring you’re hiring a reputable and quality home cleaning service.
Eugena recommends first ensuring that you receive a quote, whether in person or over the phone, and that someone in the household is present during the first cleaning service to make sure expectations are set and the cleaning service is professional.
“The homeowner should be taking notes on the appearance of the cleaners. Are they well-dressed? Are they in a uniform? Is the vehicle they’re driving clean, with advertising of the company? Are the cleaners gathering information and taking notes? The cleaners should be asking questions as far as what the homeowner wants and doesn’t want,” she said.
Eugena also stressed the importance of hiring a cleaning service that is knowledgeable on the latest cleaning products, as many products can cause permanent damage to surfaces like granite, marble, copper or stainless steel. Cleaning service providers should be well versed in all supplies, and they should be providing all of the cleaning products.
She recommends asking the cleaning service to also provide safety data sheets on each of their products. These sheets are created by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and should be carried by all professional cleaning services.
Reputable cleaning services also will be able to provide proof of insurance, which will protect the homeowner in a variety of cases, such as if something is damaged or if a member of the cleaning staff is injured while working in their home.
“Asking for a proof of insurance is something we love,” said Eugena. “As a legal company, that is great. Every reputable cleaning company would be happy to provide proof of insurance, and it gives the homeowner a peace of mind.”
Lastly, Eugena encourages homeowners to request and reach out to references before hiring a new cleaning company.
“It’s a huge undertaking,” Eugena said of the hiring process. “Allowing somebody into your home—that’s your private space, it’s your family, it’s your life, it’s your savings, it’s everything. We don’t take it lightly when we are chosen as somebody’s cleaner.”
Eugena has provided more in-depth expert advice on how to choose the best cleaning service for you in her free e-book, which is available now at carnationhomecleaninginc.com.
For more information about Carnation Home Cleaning, visit the website at carnationhomecleaninginc.com, or call (480) 924-2096. The cleaning service, located near the intersection of Main Street and Greenfieid Road, is at 4930 E. Main St., Suite 17.