When my son Doug turned nine years old, we had a birthday party. Now he’s in his 60s. I haven’t thought about that party for years, but recently it came to mind as though it happened only a few days ago. I baked a chocolate-frosted racetrack cake, complete with little cars; bought special paper plates and napkins; decorated the dining room with balloons and streamers, planned games, bought prizes, and even invested in a few kites, hoping for nice sunny, windy March weather.
The day came, nine boys arrived, and the fun was on! For me, the fun had started with the preparations. Checking each item off the list, I imagined how things would go. Then as I welcomed the guests, I watched it all unfold. We played games, ate cake and ice cream, and watched Doug open his presents. Then we went outside. The weather was perfect for flying kites. I sat back and enjoyed the cool spring day, watching the excitement of boys being boys.
Afterwards, I started picking up the mess, basking in that glow that follows a job well done. A few minutes later Doug walked into the kitchen. “Hey, Mom!” he said. “That was a real good party. Thank you.” Well, that just topped it off for me!
Why was I thinking about that party after all these years? Then I heard a still, small voice saying, “Remember how you felt as you planned that party and then watched everything fall into place? Remember how much fun it was watching the boys doing everything you set up for them? Well, that’s how I feel when I set things up for My children and they enjoy what I planned for them.” 1 Timothy 6:17 tells us He “gives us richly all things to enjoy.” And Psalm 35:7 says God “delights in the prosperity of His servant.”
God is always at work behind the scenes. He loves doing good things for His children. Whether He orchestrates something “big” like finding us a new home or a better job, or something “small” like an unexpected encounter with a person we needed to talk to, God loves putting things in place and watching the details unfold. I’m sure He especially enjoys seeing us recognize His hand in it.
I think He was just reminding me to be on the alert for evidence of His involvement in our everyday lives, and that our acknowledgement and gratitude bring Him delight.
If you would like to hear good Bible teaching about discovering God’s goodness in everyday life, come and visit us at Charis Christian Church, 4811 E. Julep St., Suite 101, in Mesa.