When addressing the golf ball and throughout one’s swing, it is crucial for the player to maintain proper balance.
Proper balance begins with the address position. There are a few simple keys, which allow a player to begin building a foundation for desired balance prior to the swing.
It is unlikely, but possible, for a golfer to occasionally hit wonderful shots without the proper balance on the backswing or the downswing. With less than proper balance, desired shot patterns become a hit or miss game of chance. In order to alleviate such a dangerous game to play, it is far easier to follow a couple basic principles.
When addressing the ball, one must first have a wide enough stance to withstand the balance pressures, which match the chosen club. Wedges require the narrowest stance, and a driver requires the widest, small to big, in accordance with the club. Next, the weight must be evenly distributed side to side with slightly more weight forward on the balls of one’s feet to attain a strong foundation before beginning the swing.
The entire goal for a golfer desiring great balance is to load properly on the backswing, and to transfer completely on the downswing into the finished position. In order to achieve proper load and balance, a player must focus on his weight on the inside of the right foot, right knee and right hip flexor by the top of the backswing. In order to achieve proper transfer and balance, a player must feel a downward thrust, which is initiated by the core body (hips, abdominals, etc.) and a rolling of the right instep/foot into a full upright position.
When the correct address position and a few simple keys on the backswing and downswing are learned, a player has a greater chance of achieving proper balance throughout the swing, which, in turn, will lead to more desirable shots.
If you have any further questions on balance or any other part of your golf game, please do not hesitate to visit lassendas.com/academy, e-mail me at benweir@pga.com, or call me directly at (602) 391-7100. I would be happy to arrange your next lesson, and provide you a roadmap to improving your game.