Well, it is now September, and the annual Red Mountain Ranch Community Garage Sale, which will take place on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 6 and 7, is fast approaching.
Our community garage sale is one of the largest in the Phoenix area. We had 182 homes selling items in 2013, which was an all-time record. We hope to have more sellers this year. This means you will have lots of customers buying your items.
Our garage sale brings thousands of customers to Red Mountain Ranch. The roads in our community were filled with buyers’ cars and trucks last year. Buyers love the bargains they find. We do all the work providing buyers for your sale items.
The Red Mountain Ranch Social Club sponsors the community garage sale. The social club meets on the second Thursday of each month, except December, at 9:30 a.m., at the Red Mountain Ranch Community Clubhouse, where we hear interesting speakers and presentations. We also have many social events, such as the spring and fall cocktail parties, trips to see plays, etc. You are invited to attend our meetings as our guest. You do not have to be a member to attend.
For more information, send an email to Jay Williamson at jaynwilliamson57@yahoo.com.