The decision to do a short sale is one of the hardest decisions many homeowners have had to make.
There are many reasons why homeowners are facing financial hardship. These can include divorce, illness, reduction of wages, unemployment or a loan modification being denied, just to mention a few. Whatever the reason, homeowners realize they can’t afford the mortgage anymore, and they need to find a solution.
The biggest hurdle to overcome is making the decision about what to do next. There is a lot of information out there about short sales, but most homeowners still don’t really know what it is and how it can help them. That’s where I can help.
As a certified distressed property expert, I sit down with the homeowners for a free confidential consultation, and go over all the options available. We discuss a short sale and exactly what it means to them. After months of agonizing over what to do, how to get out from under the debt of their mortgage and avoid foreclosure, they now have the answers they had been seeking. Finally, they understand what a short sale is and how it can help them.
The right information can help homeowners see that a short sale is not the end, but a new beginning. Their credit will start to repair immediately, as there are no more late payments hitting it each month. The bank will have waived their rights to pursue for any deficiency in the approval letter, so there is nothing hanging over their heads anymore. The months and years of stress, confusion and agonizing over how they were going to get out from under their negative mortgage are over.
Now, they can rent a home for a payment within their means, and can even start saving for a new home. With some short sales, the homeowner can immediately qualify for a new mortgage, and purchase a new home right after their short sale is complete.
The biggest benefit other than financial is emotional. Life can begin again. There is no more robbing Peter to pay Paul, and no more arguments and sleepless nights. Finally, they have a new direction, and can get their lives back on track.
I have helped many homeowners over the years, and every single one of my clients agrees that doing a short sale was the best thing they could have done. They are so grateful to have been given the opportunity to move forward. No matter what the reason for the hardship, or where life takes them after the house is sold, a short sale was not the end, but a new beginning—a fresh start with a clean slate.
There is no fee to the homeowner to do a short sale. The bank will pay the Realtor’s fee and closing costs.
Contact me today for a free confidential consultationon short sales and the options available. You can call my cell at (602) 571-6799, or send an e-mail to Visit my Web site at