There is so much concern about the coronavirus (officially called COVID-19). While there isn’t a vaccine yet, Medicare is still here to help.
Medicare Part B (medical insurance) covers a test to see if you have coronavirus. This test is covered when your doctor or other health care provider orders it — if you got the test after Feb. 4.
You usually pay nothing for Medicare-covered clinical diagnostic laboratory tests. Your provider will need to wait until after April 1 to be able to submit a claim to Medicare for this test.
Medicare also covers many vaccines, such as pneumococcal shots, Hepatitis B, Shingles, flu and whooping cough. These are generally covered either through Medicare Part B or your Medicare Prescription Drug plans.
If you are turning 65 in the next year, it is not too soon to start learning about Medicare. I can meet with you prior to turning 65 to help you begin the process, understand what is available to you, and when you are ready, help you pick a plan. Feel free to give me a call.
Call Lynne Jones, a licensed sales person, at (480) 212-2246.