Summer is the perfect time to organize those parts of your household difficult to get to when the children are in school, and you are running around like crazy getting them to all their after school activities.
School Papers
Toss all school papers except for a few special art pieces or writing projects. They will never look back or reference math, spelling, grammar or tests. It’s easy to organize years of schoolwork you want to keep if you get a binder and fill it with page protectors. Have one binder per child.
What fits now, and what will fit six months from now? The rest can be put in a container labeled with the clothes sizes, and stored for hand-me-downs if appropriate. Otherwise, donate clothes that no longer fit or they won’t wear.
Summer is a great time for board games, cards and art projects. Put these on easily accessible shelves so they can put the games away easily. Put art projects into containers so all the little pieces don’t go missing. I recommend they finish one project before going on to the next. Too often, I see half-done projects sitting around clients’ homes.
This is the perfect time of year to edit digital and print photos. Gather them all together, and get that project done. This is another area of the home with which people have difficulty because they won’t throw anything out or delete a picture. Only keep the best memories.
Summer Trips
Avoid buying little trinkets that won’t mean anything when you get home, and will end up in the garbage a few years later. You’ve got the pictures, remember. Buy only what you truly love, not just to buy something.
If you need help this summer getting your home organized and your children ready for the school year, I’d be happy to help. Call Nancy Nemitz at (480) 223-8939, Create the Space Professional Organizing. View her Web site at