Nancy Nemitz
Create the Space
If you find many things you plan to do never get finished, that describes a few of my clients.
They are creative, high energy people for the most part. They are moving in so many directions that nothing gets finished. The beginning of the project is exciting. The excitement wears off as the work sets in, and there the craft project or other creative endeavor sits. The harsh truth is it doesn’t matter what gets partially done. Partially finished projects are almost worse than if the project never got started because you feel terrible looking at half-done tasks.
My advice
Record the date you start a project. Don’t rely on your memory because most people don’t have an accurate sense of how long something has been sitting there and sitting there.
Face the truth. It doesn’t matter how much time, money or energy you already have invested in something if the reality is it’s never going to get done. Perhaps it was started under different circumstances, with the best of intentions. Circumstances change, however. Let it go. The money, time and effort already are gone.
There is more joy in completing one thing than leaving five things unfinished.
Life is more about experiences than having a lot of things. Create the space for life rather than stuff.
Nancy Nemitz has been creating space in people’s homes and workspaces since 2004. She lives in Red Mountain Ranch. Contact her via email at nancy@createthespace.com, or visit her website at createthespace.com.