Nancy Nemitz
Color affects our mood, creativity and productivity.
Most offices are some shade of beige or white, which a University of Texas study found induces feelings of sadness and depression, especially in women. Men experience similarly gloomy feelings in a purple or orange workspace.
Frankly, I’ve never seen purple or orange in a man’s office. Entrepreneur magazine points to research that blues and greens are the most soothing and productive because they are nature’s most predominant colors.
Once we’ve cleared out the clutter and the office is organized, I encourage my clients to paint their walls or bring in artwork they love. I have a client who kept motivated to finish organizing her home office because she really wanted to hang a large piece of art that made her happy. The smile on her face when her office was all pulled together and organized was worth all the time and effort.
Find a color that makes you happy and incorporate it into your workspace.
Nancy Nemitz has been organizing disorganized people since 2004. Find out more about her work at createthespace.com. Send an email to nancy@createthespace.com with your ideas for future articles.