Spencer Doucet
When it comes to auto repair, it is easy to run into issues when trying to diagnose or repair a vehicle on your own.
Here are some common myths about Do-It-Yourself (DIY) repairs.
Myth 1—Fixing your car at home is the same as going to a shop.
There are several key differences between a repair at a shop and one performed in the driveway. Most notably is the quality of the repair. The DIY repair usually will involve cutting corners during the repair process. There is good reason professional technicians have tool boxes almost as big as your car. There are specialty tools for a lot of repairs today. When an improper tool is used, additional damage can be incurred to the vehicle. DIYers also tend to use sub-par parts. Replacement parts are not all created equally. A professional shop will use parts that will ensure a long-lasting repair.
Myth 2—Reading a fault code will tell you how to fix it.
Check Engine lights come on only when there is a problem with the vehicle control systems. Too often, consumers have their codes read by a parts store or friend, and start putting parts on the car. Then, the light comes on again. Diagnostic codes only give you an area of concern. The code must be diagnosed in order to find the cause of the failure. Having a shop diagnose and fix your problem actually will save you money over the trial and error routine.
Myth 3—If a part is failing on my car, I will know it.
The biggest problem with this myth is when you do know about it, it is because it has caused other issues. A lot of times, the symptom gets fixed, but the cause goes unnoticed, and the problem just returns a short time later. So many cars’ systems work with each other. Sometimes, the proper repair can be in a totally unrelated area. For example, a bad thermostat can cause decreased fuel economy, or a bad battery can cause an Anti-lock Brake System fault. Car repair shops are much better equipped to find the cause of your concern than either Google or YouTube.
Myth 4—Over-the-counter remedies are a quick fix.
Over-the-counter stop leak products were never intended to be a permanent repair. Using them often will cause further damage to your car. As the chemical works its way through your car, it not only will try to stop your leak, but also will start clogging small passages through which your fluid needs to pass. In an emergency, you can use a stop leak chemical to help get you to safety. You should then have the failing component repaired, and have the affected system’s fluid changed to remove the product. Even then, it may be difficult to tell if the product caused other issues.
The common thread here is trying the shortcut to avoid a perceived expense could actually cost you more in the long run. So, when in doubt, have a car care professional solve your issue. Technicians have years of experience, which always trumps HowStuffWorks.com.
For more information about H and I Automotive, call (480) 985-9279. The shop is located at 5338 E. Main St., Suite 4. Visit the website at www.handiautomotive.com.